Musings From The One Five
Wednesday, August 29, 2012
Back In The High Life Again
Friday, August 10, 2012
Turks & Caicos
Thursday, March 4, 2010
Something Missing, Something Gained
Nothing drastic. Vague bloat and discomfort.
Rich food. Lots of drink. What's this?
Bummer. Need to get back in shape.
Cut down on food, add time on exercise bike. Back in shape by Golden Globes.
Only not.
Add sluggishness and fatigue. Is this getting old? I'm only 29!*
Few days more and something is amiss. Missing? Missed. What's this?
Go to store. No Rainn Wilson. No Sunny D. What's this?
A dark line. ONE dark line.
Bummer. Need to get back in shape.
Double bummer. Not because of the weight.
Sigh. I'm already 29!*
Wait a minute. What's this? What did I miss?
Two stick. Two lines?
No. One dark line.
Double bummer. Single dark line. Sigh...
Hubby makes morning water.
What's this? What did I miss?
Four lines. Four lines?
Two stick, two lines. Four lines.
Two lines? Two lines.
Where? There!
There? Where!
One bright pink line....
One faint pink line.
What's this!
One bright pink line! One faint pink line!
Two lines! Two sticks! Four lines!
No bummer!
One heartbeat. Two heartbeats. Four heartbeats.
*ages have been changed to protect the innocent.
Sunday, January 17, 2010
One Year Later
A few months ago I went back to work, this time at a company on Wall Street. It’s an interesting place to work and I could fill a bunch of posts writing about my job. But you guys don’t really want to hear about that, do you?
Instead, let’s revisit Lenny, our Bichon. This Sunday marks Lenny’s first full year with us. As you may recall, we adopted Lenny from Plain and Fancy Animal Rescue in Pennsylvania. Lenny had been rescued from an abusive puppy mill who kept him caged for the first 5 years of his life.
first time we meet Lenny. We fell in love and took him home with us
When we first got Lenny, he was a very frightened dog, especially scared of men. Because all he had known was life in a cage, he didn’t know how to do anything that one associates with being a dog. He didn’t know how to walk on a leash, he didn’t know how to go up and down stairs, and he didn’t even know the difference between being inside and being outside. Any little sudden movement and this fragile boy would jump and run off to find a hiding spot.
The first 3-6 months with him were very hard. We had to train him how to be a dog. Walking, house-training, taking treats. There were many times when my patience was tested. I would walk with him for an hour without him doing any business at all. All the more frustrating, when my husband (who he was frightened of) would walk him, he’d do everything within 15 minutes.
After a few months, he finally started to get comfortable in his new life. He learned that he loved treats, he loved to be next to me, and most importantly, he learned the power of begging for food. And when treats weren’t available, he developed an appetite for my shoes – especially sandals.
He also learned that he had toys to play with. But his favorite toy is nothing more than the inner cardboard roll from a roll of paper towels. He takes treats down the middle and LOVES to tear them apart. No matter how many toys we get him, he always returns to his Amish roots with the cardboard roll.
Finally, after many years of neglect, Lenny has finally learned to live the life of leisure that a dog is meant to have. Here are some highlights from Lenny’s first year with us:

Lenny is definitely a different dog than he was when he came to us a year ago. Of course, he still barks at my husband, but truth be told, some of the time, my husband deserves it! I hope that Lenny lives a long, healthy life with us for years and years to come. For those who are hesitant to adopt a dog, I hope Lenny proves to you that any dog can be rehabilitated. All dogs deserve to live and be happy. Just give them a chance, lots of love and definitely have a lot of patience. The rewards are incalculable.
Thursday, July 2, 2009
Thursday, June 11, 2009
My Life At The Bar (A Trying Experience Part Two)
As usual, I arrived 15 minutes before the hearing time and ended up waiting half an hour before the clerk judge called me and the office who cited me.
I was a bit disappointed that it was a clerk judge and not a real judge, but I really wasn't all that surprise. However, I was happy that it was female clerk judge who I hope would have sympathy on me.

CJ: Officer Perez, what do you recall on that day you issue the ticket?
OP: Yes, ma'am. That morning, we were doing our normal checks around the park and I saw her; the respondent with an unleashed dog. I approached her and told her that there is zero tolerance policy on unleashed dog. The commissioner and the mayor are very serious about this policy because they receive a lot of complaints about unleashed dog (editor's note: yeah right, I just saw a couple of dogs today running around in the middle of the park without leashes. Maybe the mayor and the commissioner should check our park once in a while). There are may sign posted all over the park (yeah the ones that have been vandalized?)
CJ: Do you remember what kind of dog she has?
OP: (looking at the paper - which clearly shows that he doesn't remember) Ah yes, it was white dog.
CJ: Ms. T, do you have any questions for Officer Perez?
JT: No your honor.
CJ: Very well Ms. T, what is your defense?
JT: (putting on my most sympathy garnering face) At the time, my newly adopted dog was with us for only about two months. He was rescued from a very abusive puppy mill, which kept him in a cage for the first 5 years for his life. So when we adopted him, he didn't know how to react to anything around him. However, while walking him that day, I noticed that his tail was up. Normally, when I walk him, his tail is tucked in and he is scared of everything around him. As soon as I saw that his tail was up, I took a picture of him to show to my husband. I temporarily removed his leash and took a picture. As soon as I got up to put the leash back on, the officer was behind me in his car and asked me to come closer to him.
I put my dogs leash on right away and walked toward his car. He told me that my dog is unleash. I asked him if he can give me a warning but he refused and told me that there is a zero tolerance policy in the park. I remained quite.
As soon as I left I noticed that he cited on the ticket that I was walking with an unleashed and uncontrolled dog - and that was not true. I was not walking with my dog unleashed and he is not an uncontrolled dog. I removed it for few minutes just to take picture. That's it!
CJ: I understand you are upset (no shit) but did you explain to the office about this?
JT: I tried to, your honor, but I was very nervous. It's my first time getting a ticket and he already told me about the zero tolerance police.
OP: If you'd just told me about taking a picture, I probably would not have given you a ticket.
CJ: Next time Ms. T, you need to explain the officer.
JT: I wish I had a chance, your honor. I'm aware of the dog leash policy but, like I said, I was just taking a picture of my dog. I never walked him unleashed and he is not an uncontrolled dog. He is shy little dog.
CJ: Officer Perez, do you remember if she was walking the dog and for how long?
OP: When I approached her she was standing with her dog for about approximately 2-5 minutes.
JT: That's because I was just taking a picture.
CJ: Do you have a picture?
JT: Yes (going to my bag, got my iPhone and show her the picture)
CJ: He is very cute and he was off leash (I just realized I may be fucked....they can use that as evidence....I have to say something....shit)
JT: I'm not denying he is not on a leash, your honor. But like I said, I removed it to take a picture and as soon as I got up, the officer was behind me. I was not walking him without his leash and he is not an uncontrolled dog as stated on the ticket.
CJ: Do you have any questions?
JT & OP: No
CJ: Very well. I will not make any decision right now. I will review the report as well as the take and make a decision in the next few days. I will send you the result by mail. If you don't agree with the decision, you can file an appeal and the same thing with you Officer Perez.
Enjoy your day everyone!